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Flute Region Music Coaching

For those who participate in All-Region and All-State competitions, I have a new YouTube channel where you can see my coaching style.  Throughout junior high and high school I participated in region competitions.   Although, I felt like I was well prepared at the time, I could have done better.  I was lucky enough to have private lessons, but my teacher had not participated in competitions and was not familiar with what judges look and listen for.   I want to offer the benefit of my experience to help you to not only place in All-Region but to place higher.

My flute students routinely place in All-Region band. Doing well at All-Region and All-State can be a gateway to college scholarships.  I received a full scholarship for my undergrad degree.


In the video tutorials I will, primarily, be using the Rubank Advanced Flute Methods - Vol. 1 and the Rubank Selected Studies for Flute.   If your region uses different music I will be happy to look at that.  Please email me with that information.


You can click on the video below to be taken to my channel:  Flute Region Music Coach

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